Tuesday, March 3, 2015

third time sure is a charm

My friend Hildur recently published this fun mitten pattern, Hlekkir (available here for free!). It is a classic color work, nice fit, worsted yarn kind of pattern and perfect for all kinds of yarn leftovers and stash for worsted-weight-lovers such as myself. I'm currently working on my third pair this year and I guess it's not even the last.

I am using leftover 3-ply Snælda, brown and white, and this beautifully green-blue lama wool from Strikkebogen, which gives just the fluffyness needed. I plan on finishing these in the next few days since I'm just about ready to give mittens a rest now and move on to a different topic, one marked with defeats and losses: Socks. More on that drama later!

ps. Linking up with Frontier Dreams for this week's KCCO! 


  1. They are lovely. I have finally managed to track down some lama yarn and am looking forward to using it.

    1. Thank you! I am a fan of lama wool, and least the kind I have bought from Strikkebogen.

  2. Ég ákvað að prófa að gera þessa úr samskonar garni (átti rest af lamaullinni), og ég þurfti að stytta minnstu stærðina um alveg fjóra umganga af mynstri! Þeir eru alveg vel víðir líka, mögulega hefði ég þurft að nota minni prjóna. En ég held samt að uppskriftin hljóti að gera ráð fyrir geimveruhöndum ;)

    1. Haha, ja svipað uppi a teningnum her! Skoðaði prjonfestuna mina og se að eg er að prjona talsvert grofar en hun gerir rað fyrir... Held eg geri næsta par a minni prjona.
