Tuesday, April 28, 2015

this town called City

Last Thursday, to celebrate the beloved First Day of Summer, we had the day off. Daycare and schools were closed and people headed downtown to enjoy the holiday and various festivities. We did, as well. I enjoyed snapping photos of our city bathed in sunlight even though it was really rather cold (and later that day it actually snowed a little - hah!). The population of Reykjavík is only around 200.000 people so it wouldn't really be a city if it were situated elsewhere...more of a town, I think. Still, it's the capital of Iceland and it's what we've got. It can be too small most of the time but just small enough at other times. And when the sun is shining it's really quite lovely. 


  1. vá! en skemmtilegar og vorlegar myndir! Gleðilegt sumar :-)

    1. Bestu þakkir og gleðilegt sumar sömuleiðis :)

  2. Interesting to see a town so far away on a pretty Spring day - thanks for sharing. (I just saw our first dandelions this week - pretty crazy that you have the same thing blooming!)
