Sunday, May 10, 2015

all spring and ocean

Can you spot Úlfur in the hammock?

Pattern: Rosemary (Romi) Hill
Yarn: Tusindfryd Engleuld
Needle: 4.0 mm

I am very satisfied with this shawl. The process was fun, not all mkals include such enjoyable knitting. And I really like the colors, I chose them carefully to be added to my wardrobe, kinda felt I needed that combination in a shawl... 

I had planned on photographing my freshly finished, washed and blocked shawl on Friday but somehow my body decided to catch a horrid cold, something that rarely happens, so I had to stay inside Friday afternoon and all of Saturday. Photos were postponed, that's fine. But what was worse was my cabin fever. I have this thing were I just have to go outside for a iittle walk or run or bike ride or whatever every day. It's probably my healthiest obsession, but an obsession none the less. Going outside is the key to every mood swing, every bad hair day, every disappointment and frustration. So this afternoon, with the sun shining and my cold much better after two days of staying inside I was more than eager to get out! We went for a long family walk in our "backyard" the seaside. It's not technically our backyard (oh, I wish) but so close it might almost just as well be. The smell in the air was all spring and ocean. Mmmmm. We got a few nice photos of the shawl, took turns relaxing in that awesome rustic hammock by the shore and then went all the way down to the sea. A perfect afternoon. 


  1. Sjalið er svo dásamlegt hjá þér.
    Og börnin svo falleg og fín alltaf <3

  2. Love the picture of your daughter in the tidal pool - beaches and little babes make for great photos and fun! Your shawl is beautiful, what an intricate design. The blue looks great with denim jeans.

    1. Thank you, the shawl is my new favorite and worn everyday (good thing I put some thought into the colors, I can wear it with almost everything I own!). All the photos of her were like that, not a single one of her looking up, only down to the water, rocks and seaweed. She was very busy :)
